Why Is My Scalp Oily?

Why Is My Scalp Oily?

The scalp plays an important part in the health and appearance of the hair. Most people tend to suffer from dry and flakey scalps and can find several hair care products that cater to such issues. However, one of the times someone may bring up having oily hair or an oily scalp is after not having washed their hair in a couple of days, or after an activity that has caused them to sweat and has made their hair feel dirty. Yet, some people naturally have oily hair or scalp conditions, where their hair gets oily even after they wash it. If this sounds like something you experience, please keep reading, as we will discuss why your scalp is oily and what you can do to treat this issue.

The root of the problem, the scalp.

The scalp is made up of thousands of pores from which the hair follicles grow. These pores are where the sebaceous glands feed nutrients to the hair follicle and cuticle. The nutrient is called sebum which gives the hair a healthy appearance while protecting the scalp from becoming dry and flakey. A normal amount of sebum is fine, yet when sebum is produced excessively, this causes the hair and scalp to look dirty, oily, and greasy.

 Why is it excessively oily?

There are many reasons as to why your hair and scalp may appear oily or greasy, we will go over possible reasons as to why it is oily or why it has become oily over time.

Hormonal imbalance

There is a possibility that hormonal imbalance could be the reason why your scalp and hair are oily. Hormonal imbalances or fluctuations can happen to anyone and can be triggered during pregnancy, menopause, puberty, stress, or while taking certain medications.


Oily scalp and hair can be passed down genetically, and whether your parents or grandparents have oily hair could be a reason as to why you also have this condition.


Do you live in an area with a lot of humidity? If so, this could be the reason as to why your hair and scalp are oily. The moisture in the air can be trapped in your hair which may cause it to appear oily.


You are what you eat! Which is why diet can affect the way that your hair looks and feels. Not eating enough or getting enough Vitamin B can cause the hair to become oily. The two most important B vitamins for your hair to appear healthier are B2 and B6, which can be found in almonds, spinach, fish, eggs, and avocados.

Your Hair Type

Depending on whether you have thin, long and straight, or curly hair can also impact the way that sebum travels from the scalp to the hair, which could cause oily or dry hair. Thin or fine hair can appear to be oilier than thicker hair because there is not enough hair to be covered by the oil that is being produced. Long and straight hair can cause the sebum to be distributed throughout the hair from the roots to the ends as there are no curls to stop it from doing so. Lastly, curly hair, unlike straight hair, tends to keep the oils at the root of the head as it is harder for the oil to travel down to the hair shaft, resulting in oily roots and dry ends.

 Skin Conditions

Skin conditions such as seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, and eczema can all impact the way that your scalp produces oils. This is why it is important to consult with a doctor or a professional to know if a skin condition could be the reason for your oily scalp and hair.

 Products you use and how often you use them


Using too much or too many hair products on your hair and scalp can cause buildup and can weigh your hair down due to the mix of alcohol and the production of sebum. For example, excessively washing your hair and using shampoo consistently can cause the production of more oils to replace the oils that were stripped away. Also, ingredients such as alcohol and sulfates will strip the hair from its natural oils, disrupting the production of sebum on the scalp.

Brushing the hair

Constantly brushing your hair can cause the hair to become oily and the scalp to produce more oil as oils are traveling on the brush from the scalp to the ends.

How can I treat my oily scalp?

There are many scalp treatments or shampoos and conditioners that claim to help solve oily hair but may do the opposite. However, Active Care has created a global at-home solution to help treat various scalp problems with 4 easy steps. Active Care’s range of hair care products combines the exceptional properties of plants with the most effective active ingredients to restore the health and beauty of the scalp and hair. The Balance Line was specifically formulated to treat oily scalps by equilibrating the skin ecosystem, eliminating toxins, and moisturizing the scalp to restore hair’s health and beauty. If you are interested or would like more information on Active Care’s scalp therapy products email: activecare@progenglobal.com or call 1-855-747-9292.

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