Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Hair & Scalp, Part 2

Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Hair & Scalp, Part 2

Welcome back to our blog! Last time, we looked at ways to “spring clean” your hair and scalp by eating a healthy diet, drinking adult beverages in moderation, and implementing high-quality hair care products into your beauty and hygiene routine. Let’s keep this conversation going today by looking at four more ways you can up your hair and scalp care game to achieve summer-ready locks. For the best hair care solutions, shop Pro|Gen hair treatment products developed by pharmacists, biochemists, and hair professionals with your hair and scalp health in mind. Please continue reading below.

Clean Your Hair Brushes

When your brushes don’t get cleaned regularly, they become caked with hair product residue, strands of hair, dead skin cells, and oil. Failing to clean your hairbrushes on a regular basis can lead to a build-up of bacteria and yeast, which is not healthy for your hair and can smell atrocious. Cleaning your brush is simple: remove the hair, wash the brush with shampoo, blow dry or air dry it, and repeat every one to two weeks. Doing this will contribute to the health of your hair and scalp.

Check Expired Hair Care Products

While you’ll toss out spoiled milk and expired eggs, you may be forgetting about the shelf life of your hair products. Hair treatment products aren’t required to list an expiration date, but they often have a PAO date or Period After Opening date. This is usually located in the bottom corner on the back of your product and shows the number of months the product will keep its quality once opened. A good rule of thumb when using old or expired products is to check them for quality. Is there a funky smell? Is there mold? Is there cloudiness in liquid products? These can be good indicators of whether or not you should toss your products.

Wash Your Hair Every 2-3 Days

Washing your hair is a must, but that doesn’t mean you have to wash your hair daily (unless told otherwise by a hair professional, of course). Washing your hair every day contributes to dry, brittle hair, and a dry scalp. The natural oils in your hair and skin can coat your hair follicles and moisturize your hair and scalp. Try washing your hair every other day or every third day and use excellent hair care products that can thoroughly clean and hydrate scalp and hair when you wash.

Visit Pro|Gen Today

One of the best ways to spring clean your hair and scalp is by analyzing your hair and scalp. Your stylist can analyze your hair to determine a personalized hair care treatment for your specific needs using the Pro|Gen Active Care System. Talk to your stylist today or visit Pro|Gen Active Care to learn more about our online diagnostic tool, and to shop for amazing hair treatment products that will give you softer, fuller, healthier hair on time for summer. Give our hair experts a call today and get the strong, gorgeous hair and scalp you desire!

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